Common Name: Fraser’s Dolphin
General Description: Fraser’s dolphin (or the Sarawak dolphin) has a robust body, with a short but well-defined beak. The flippers are relatively small and pointed. The trailing edge of the tail flukes is concave. The dorsal fin is small, pointed and slightly sickle-shaped. There are marked keels above and below the tailstock.
Size: Adults, average length of 2.3 m with a maximum of 2.6 m, average weight of 90 kg with a maximum of 136 kg.
Appearance At Sea: The swimming style of Fraser’s dolphins has been described as aggressive, with a spray created as the animal surfaces to breathe. They have not been seen bowriding but often leap as they travel alongside a vessel.
Fraser’s Dolphins have been observed in very large schools of up to 500. They may be found in the company of other cetaceans including Spotted dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and Sperm Whales.
Found In: Fraser’s Dolphins are found offshore, and near coasts around oceanic islands. They are deep divers, feeding on squid, crustaceans and fish that are seldom found near the surface or those which rise to the surface at night.
World Distribution: Found in a number of areas of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, between latitudes 40°N and 40°S. They are relatively common in tropical oceans. There are no records from any waters cooler than 20°C.
Could Be Confused With: When seen clear of the water, the dark lateral stripe is distinct, and suggestive of the striped dolphins.
Diagnostic Features: At sea, abrupt pointed snout, shortness of the fin, flippers and flukes, dark lateral stripe, blowhole which is noticeably left of centre.
Stranded Specimens: Fraser’s dolphin has a surprisingly large number of teeth in its abbreviated beak. There are 34 to 44 pairs of slender, pointed teeth in each jaw. The total is at least 160, often 172.