Marine mammals can be difficult to identify at sea. Even under ideal conditions, an observer often gets little more than a brief view of a splash, blow, dorsal fin, head, flipper, or back, and this is often at a great distance. Rough weather, glare, fog, or other bad sighting conditions compound the problem. Even experts often must log a sighting as “unidentified” or on an easily confused pair or group of species. In all cases, this designation, accompanied by a detailed description is preferable to recording an incorrect identification.
Marine Mammals of India – A field guide Contact Dipani Sutaria or Pooja Gupta to get a copy of this guide
Character Matrix 1: Beaked Dolphins WITH prominent markings. All these species are about 2m long.
Distinctive marks and colouration
Teeth (pairs in each jaw)
Long-beaked common dolphin , Delphinus delphis
Dark brown to black above, including appendages
White below
Yellow front flank patches
Rear flanks and tail stock light grey
Small, pointed (47– 67)
Indian Ocean common dolphin Delphinus delphis tropicalis
slightly longer than the common dolphin
54-67 teeth in upper jaw side 52-64 teeth in lower jaw side
Spinner dolphin , Stenella longirostris
Some grey throughout, others grey with a white belly
Yet others with a three-part colour pattern — grey cape, light grey sides, white belly
Sharply pointed (45– 65)
Please check the groove between the two lower jaws; do the jower jaws merge at the tip or do they not?
Striped dolphin, Stenella coeruloealba
Dark stripe from behind eye to anus
Belly white
Sides grey
Dark stripe from eye to flipper
Small and sharp (45 –50)
Pan-tropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata
Stenella attenuata Dark grey cape from top of head to halfway down the animal
Lighter grey below; white spots, becoming bigger & more numerous with age
Small (40)
Character Matrix 2: Beaked Dolphins WITHOUT prominent markings.
Length (m)
Prominent Features
Rough-toothed dolphin , Steno bredanensis
Large eyes
Head conical, sloping evenly towards the tip of the snout
No prominent melon
Body dark grey with a narrow dorsal cape
Belly, lips & lower jaw white
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin , Sousa chinensis
Newborn 1.0
Max. Male 3.2
Female 2.5
Dorsal fin sits on distinct hump or ridge midway along the back
Hump under the fin is not prominent
Melon is not as prominent as in S. plumbea
Adult animals of the region very pale, almost white, or overall light gray and mottled
Young lighter grey
32-38 teeth in upperjaw side; 29-38 in lower jaw side
Indian Ocean humpback dolphin , Sousa plumbea
Max female: 2.6m
Max male: 2.8m
Hump under the fin is very prominent
Melon is very prominent
Adults are usually brownish gray with very little mottling of white or pink
33-39 teeth in upper jaw side; 31-37 in lower jaw side
Bottlenose dolphin , Tursiops truncatus
Newborn 1.0
Max. Male 4.0
Female 3.6
Well-formed melon separated from stocky snout by a marked crease
Dorsal fin is tall and falcate
teeth count is 18-27 in any one side of jaw
Belly off-white
Sides of the head & body light grey, gradually becoming deeper until it forms a dark bluish-grey cape on the back
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin , Tursiops aduncus
newborn is 85cm-112cm
Adult 2.7m
melon less convex than in common botlenose dolphin
dorsal fin is larger and less falcate than common bottlenose dolphin
teeth count 21-29 in one side of each jaw
belly has spots
dark ring around the eye
lighter in colour than common bottlenose dolphins
Fraser’s dolphin , Lagenodelphis hosei
Beak short but well-defined
Flippers and dorsal fin short & pointed
Dark brownish-grey on the sides
Pink or white on the belly
Bold dark grey striping on the flippers & on the face and along the sides, giving the face a masked effect
Character Matrix 3: Irrawaddy Dolphin, Risso’s Dolphin & Finless Porpoise
Length (m)
Dorsal fin
Teeth (pairs)
Neck crease
Irrawaddy dolphin , Orcaella brevirostris
Newborn 1.0
Max.Male 2.7
Female 2.3
Pale grey
Darker above, paler below
Large, with curved leading edge
Upper jaw: 17-20 Lower jaw: 15-18
Risso’s dolphin , Grampus griseus
Newborn 1.2
Max. Male 3.8
Female 3.3
Grey body covered extensively with white scarring & blotching
Some animals, especially older ones, appear almost white
An anchor-shaped white chest patch
Tall, slender & falcate
Generally a darker shade of grey than the rest of the body
Located at midback
Long & falcate, with pointed tips
Upper jaw: No teeth Lower jaw: Upto 7
Teeth often badly worn in older individuals & some missing entirely
Finless porpoise , Neophocaena phocaenoides
Newborn 0.55
Max. 1.9
Males slightly larger
Uniform grey, with often a bluish tinge
Ventral surface lighter
Whitish zones on throat & sometimes on upper lip
Skin on the midback dark & covered with tubercles
Long, tapering to a blunt tip
Spade shaped
13-22 in each jaw
Slight depression behind the blowhole
Character Matrix 4: The Blackfish
Length (m)
Dorsal fin
Teeth (pairs)
Pygmy killer whale , Feresa attenuata
Grey to blue-black
Darker cape from top of head to dorsal fin
Lips & tip of lower jaw white
Curved along leading edge, rounded at tip
High pointed
Upper jaw: 8-11 & Lower jaw: 11-13
False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens
Newborn 1.6
Max. Male 5.9
Female 5.1
Lighter areas on head & chest
Broad hump on leading edge
Upright, slightly rounded at tip, located at mid-back
7 to 12 in each jaw
Melon-Headed whale , Peponocephala electra
Black on back and sides, slightly lighter on belly
Lips, anal and genital areas may appear light-grey, white or pink
Long,generally pointed
Tall, distinctly back-curved
Small, sharply pointed
Upper jaw: 20-25 & Lower jaw:22-24
Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchos
Newborn 1.4
Max.Male 7.2
Female 5.1
Grey-black overall
Many animals have a lighter chest patch & a grey streak behind the eyes
Falcate, up to one-sixth of body length
Low rounded
Character Matrix 5: The Small Sperm Whales
Length (m)
Dorsal fin
Group Size
Teeth (pairs)
Pygmy sperm whale , Kogia breviceps
Small, located behind mid-point of back
Small groups of fewer than five individuals
Curved, needle-like
Lower jaw: 10-16
Dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima
Short, blunt and squarish snout
Some irregular grooves/creases on the throat
Tall, broad-based, with a concave trailing edge, located farther forward than in the Pygmy Sperm Whale
Up to 10 individuals
Upper jaw: 7-12 & Lower jaw: 1-3 may occur
Character Matrix 6:The Beaked Whales ( note position & shape of blowhole, flipper shape, head shape, fin position and teeth)
Length (m)
Position of Teeth in Lower Jaw(from tip)
Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale Mesoplodon ginkgodens
Living specimens not examined
General colour of dead ones “midnight black”
Many oval white scars on sides & belly
Ginkgo tree leaf shaped
10 cm or more wide at base
Blainville’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris
Male dark all over
Female pale (usually white) below
Prominent oval scarring & scratches overall
Two forward projecting massive teeth on prominent raised arches on each side of lower jaw in male
Jaw bone greatly enlarged below tooth
Cuvier’s beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris
General body colour maybe “acorn brown, tan,light brown or metal blue”
Males grow lighter with age, the head & nape eventually change from grey-brown to white
Two conical teeth only in the male
At tip
Longman’s beaked whale Indopacetus pacificus
Umber brown to brownish gray with a light coloured head
Steep buldging forehead
larger dorsal fin like a dolphin fin and behind midpoint of body
Body covered with circular scars
Oval teeth
One pair, hidden in the gums
At tip
Deraniyagala’s beaked whaleMesoplodon hotaula
Counter shaded – dark grey with lighter beak
small dorsal fin placed two thirds from beak
Un-notched fluke
No linear scars like in other beaked whales
Males have one pair of S shaped recurved tusks
Females do not have tusks
Character Matrix 7:The Rorquals
Length (m)
Throat grooves
Flipper to total length ratio
Distance of fin from tail relative to total length
Ridges on top of head
Minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Yellowish white, including frayed edge
About 50
Blue-grey with white patch above, white below
Dark slate grey, paler grey or white on belly
Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera edeni
Front plates whitish, back plates blackish, long stiff bristles
Greater than one-third
Dark bluish grey above, grey below
Dark grey
Some white on throat & chin
Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus
Jet black including frayed edge
Slate-blue above
May be mottled & blotched
Humpback whale Megaptera novaengliae
Dark gray baleen plates with coarse gray bristles hanging
Greater than one-third
Black above, white below
Dorsal surface is black with knobbly outgrowths
White below
Fluke has a prominent notch with a serrated trailing edge
Fins very long with tubercles